We can help you secure the funding you need to bring your innovative project to life, launch it to the market, and scale it!
We specialize in the following opportunities for our most innovative clients:
INDOMINUS feels very proud of having the opportunity to work with the following entities (among others):
Dental implant treatments have revolutionized dental care and allow people with missing teeth to have secure, attractive comfortable fixed teeth. While dental implants are common tooth-replacement options, complications can occur.
Mechanical failure of dental implantology is around 10%, but considering aesthetic failure it reaches 30%. Once it happens, replacement with another implant is an option, but restoration survival rates vary and have been reported to be in the range of 69% to 91%. According to American Academy of Implant Dentistry, more than 3 million people in US have already undergone one or more dental implant surgeries. This number is growing at an annual rate of 500,000. Worldwide, 30% people aged between 65-74 years have no natural teeth.
There is the need for planning protocols including data acquisition/manipulation, use of software tools for interpretation and application of such systems during implant surgery. The macro-design of dental implants determines their stability and their capacity to withstand the functional loads. The length, diameter, shape, and design of the screw are influential factors in the bone-implant interface. In the long term, these features may even determine the implant’s survival. Usually, dental practitioners rely on experience or in virtual 3D tools, but this approach is not answering the underlying mechanical problem. Mathematical models and numerical methods are being used in research to understand the biomechanical interactions and sheding some light in the stress and deformations occurring after implant insertion.
OralSIM aims to be the first software tool in the market for optimised implantology procedures based on mathematical methods. A digital replica of patient’s oral cavity will be created and forces acting on implant, teeth and jawbone will be forecasted by means of numerical simulations based on finite element method (FEM).
Different implant types and acting forces can be computationally tested. Implant procedures will be no longer based on intuition or experience of the dentist, but on quantitative and qualitative information based on physics.
OralSIM will be integrated in daily practise for dentists, dental labs, implant brands and CBCT scan manufacturers. This non-invasive method follows the in-silico medicine concept, one of the key technologies in medicine for the next years.
All the stages needed to obtain stress and deformations occurring due to implant placement are automated and integrated within a single platform, thus setting the clinician free to test as many configurations as needed to achieve the optimal treatment.
OralSIM stages throughout the process are as follows:
Wine industry is growing towards more cost effective processes in order to increase revenue by reducing costs keeping the quality of the final product. For example, the wine losses due to evaporation are in between 2% to 10 % per year, being the most important losses taking place within the wine making process.
If we translate these percentages to economic figures we can forecast that:
According to CO2OP project, average energy consumtions of a small size winery are around 150.000 kWh (20.000€ per year), 350.000kWh (45.000€ per year) for medium sized wineries and for big facilties this amount can easily reach 750.000kWh (80.000€ per year) For wine industry, a good energy management is one of the business keys, in terms of savings but also in carbon footprint reduction. Fermentation stage means a 45% of the total annual energy consumption of the winery, due to the need of controlling wine temperature during the proccess.
A consortium comprising Viña Costeira, SC Robotics, Nova Industria Galega (NIGAL) e Indominus are currently developing Libatio project.
The main aim of Libatio is to digitalize wineries worldwide by the use of novel technologies (4.0 Industry). This industry is clearly influenced by tradition and roots, but it already started to adapt the processes involved during the last decade.
The product will be a perfect combination between tradition (keeping the esthetic of the activity within all the value chain carried out in wineries) and novelty, thus becoming the perfect digital combo boosting the transition to 4.0 industry. This will be achieved by means of the integration of Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Numerical Simulation (Digital Twin) applied to key proccesses such as fermentation and aging of wine.
Hence, Libatio will bring digitalization to key processes that still are far from taking advantage of new digital technolgies compared to others (collection, bottling...).
We will be launching soon a plug and play complete system (web platform and related hardware) allowing real-time tracking during wine aging (by the use of a sensor system embbebed in two smart bungs, one for wood barrels and the other one used in iron tanks together with a device for ambient control within the aging room), forecasting of wine quality by the end of the aging stage as well as a estimation of wine losses due to evaporation inside wood barrels and the simulation of the fermentation process, allowing to optmize energy consumptions (due to the cooling of the fermentation tank to keep the temeprature within allowable ranges) and analyse the evolution of the substrates involved in the biochemical process. The system's deployment will result in a huge environmental, economic and production impact, based on three main advantages:
Igape Grants:Galicia Rural Emprende. Action funded together with European Union. Programa de Desarrollo Rural de Galicia 2014-2020
INDOMINUS is proud to be a beneficiary of an Igape grant aimed at enterprises' creation for non-agricultural activities in rural zones of Galicia.
The main goal of this grant is to contribute to economic diversification, jobs creation, sustainability of rural environment and territorial balance, from both economic and social perspectives.
The result of the action should be SMEs' creation and development for non-agricultural activities in rural areas and employment creation
DentalFEM is a web toolbox integrated within OralSIM project. It is being carried out with the support of DIGIFED , Rescate NEOTEC (GAIN), EPICENTRE and DESIRE programmes
DentalFEM medical device as a service (MDaaS) represents the first tool in the market of an automatised web service for the structural FEM analysis of human oral cavities after implant treatment. A digital replica of patient’s mouth is created and forces acting on implant will be simulated. Different implant types and acting forces can be computationally tested (non invasive). The user has to care only about results and physiology and forget the engineering part of the process. Within this framework, patients’ mechanical studies can be systematically analysed, as there is no human interaction in the modelling stage. Hence, different cases can be compared under the same scenario.Treatments will be no longer based only on intuition or experience, but on quantitative and qualitative mechanical information, reducing failure up to 40%. Our aim is to democratise dental care simulation technologies, closing the engineering circle CAD/CAE/CAM within the dental industry.
DIGIFED grant. Action funded together with European Union.
INDOMINUS is proud to be a beneficiary of DIGIFED grant. This funding programme aims to support SMEs and Start-ups in the development of smart applications in Europe.
EPICENTRE grant. Action funded together with European Union.
INDOMINUS is proud to be a beneficiary of EPICENTRE grant. This funding programme aims to support SMEs and Start-ups in the development of innovative solutions in collaborations with Corporates that make a significant impact in the sectors and value chains they belong to.